5 Ways To Recycle Your Makeup Empties
It’s been a month into 2025, so we’re pretty sure you’ve emptied out a couple of skincare and makeup containers through the year, or are close to finishing them! But what do you do once they’re all cleaned out? Do you just throw them away? Maybe in 2015! But now in 2025, we upcycle. Check out these 5 ways to reuse your makeup and skincare empties, and make your shelfie a little more gorgeous.
When you finally finish off that lip balm or lipstick that’s been hanging around in your bag for months, don’t throw away the bottle! Clean it out, and fill it with the bobby pins that somehow keep disappearing, even though you remember where you left them.
Plan a DIY Day and go old-fashioned with some solid perfume stored in an old compact. All you need is some melted coconut oil and several drops of your favorite essential oil! (our personal favourite is peppermint)
Remember that really fancy (but empty) perfume bottle in the back of your cabinet? Wash that out and use it as a gorgeous vase for your favourite flowers to brighten up your vanity.
Your smaller containers are totally travel friendly! Fill in your regular shampoo or conditioner into empty moisturiser bottles to take with you wherever you go.
And by far the easiest one on this list - clean out your wide mouthed bottles and use them as makeup brush holders!
Pro-tip: Soak the bottles in hot soapy water to remove the labels, and use acetone or rubbing alcohol to get rid of the more stubborn glue.
We wish you luck on your upcycling journey, and comment below the different ways you upcycle your makeup and skincare empties in the comments below.